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It's good to be back! My trade List..(Closed)

Posted: July 20th, 2015, 1:22 pm
by Annys
After being away for a while due to my diagnosis of cancer and the treatments, its good to be back in this community and back to my pet collecting (which has kept me sane). I don't have much to trade but I'm hoping it's good enough to get the pets that I need to continue collecting and eventually complete my collection.

Things I have for trade:

[pet]Ethereal Soul-Trader[/pet]
[pet]Periwinkle Calf[/pet] x2 (sold)
[pet]Harmonious Porcupette[/pet] x5
[pet]NIghtmare Bell[/pet]
[pet]Zangar Spore[/pet] x4

Battle Stones:
Flawless Dragonkin Battle-Stone x6
Flawless Humanoid Battle-Stone x6
Flawless Undead Battle-Stone x5
Flawless Mechanical Battle-Stone x1
Flawless Aquatic Battle-Stone x1
Flawless Magic Battle-Stone x7
Flawless Critter Battle-Stone x10
Flawless Beast Battle-Stone x1
Flawless Elemental Battle-Stone x2

Pets I need (for now):
[pet]Lanticore Spawnling[/pet] (Thx Offwiturhead!)
[pet]Savage Pup[/pet]
[pet]Seaborne Spore[/pet]
[pet]Bush Chicken[/pet] (Thank you Sibi...Love ya!!)
[pet]Widget the Departed[/pet] (Thx Darkmaster!)

My B-tag is Annys72#1333...Add me if your interested and thank you all in advance! :) (They are currently in the AH...I will be updating asap so there won't be any confusion)

Re: It's good to be back! My trade List...

Posted: July 20th, 2015, 6:29 pm
by Darkmaster
I have a Widget and may have savage pup I can see if we can work a trade. I will add you when I get home from work.

b-tag (ooggy#????)

Re: It's good to be back! My trade List...

Posted: July 21st, 2015, 6:37 am
by Annys
Sounds good! Will be waiting to talk to you soon!

Re: It's good to be back! My trade List...

Posted: July 22nd, 2015, 3:31 pm
by Darkmaster
sent new friend request not sure if you got my first one

Re: It's good to be back! My trade List...

Posted: July 22nd, 2015, 3:49 pm
by Melmo
So sorry to hear about your cancer Annys! Did you kick it in the butt??

Re: It's good to be back! My trade List...

Posted: July 23rd, 2015, 12:31 pm
by Annys
Hi Melmo! It's been a while since I gotten the chance to speak/trade with you...but yea so far so good. I am at a high risk of getting it back but I'm crossing my fingers! The worse was the treatments and the surgery, which I have 3 more to go...but at least I know I'm alive for my babies. Thank you for asking! <3...oh btw...LOVING your freakin ROCKS!!

Re: It's good to be back! My trade List...

Posted: July 23rd, 2015, 12:44 pm
by Annys
Hey srry it took me a while to accept! I have been a bit sick but I got you now ;) Just wsp me to see what trades we can do!

Re: It's good to be back! My trade List...

Posted: July 23rd, 2015, 1:24 pm
by Annys
Thank you for the trade Darkmaster! Very smooth transaction...will recommend!

Re: It's good to be back! My trade List...

Posted: July 23rd, 2015, 6:53 pm
by Sibi
Welcome back. Long time, no see. Sorry to hear you are going through this but glad to see treatments and surgery are working for you (and your family).
I sent you some mail on your server. At least I hope it was you, lol.
Enjoy and take care.

Re: It's good to be back! My trade List...

Posted: July 23rd, 2015, 8:09 pm
by Annys
SIBI!!!!! It's so good to see you drop by and say hi! :D Yea its been a drag...but more to see my husband and kids see me so sick. Lost all my hair but its all will grow back. Thank you so much for your gift!! You made me cry in a good way and in an emotional way. Thank you for the kind words and the warning and yes you are right...I am seeing things A LOT differently now and appreciate every day and little things as well. And this is the reason I LOVE this site and its members...We are family in our own way and pet collecting binds us all together! Love ya sweetie and ty again <3 <3 <3!!!

Re: It's good to be back! My trade List..(Closed)

Posted: July 26th, 2015, 9:55 pm
by Annys
Thank you all for your trades and especially you Sibi for your gift! <3 I'm sure I'll be back soon for more trades!