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Alliance Oceanic Chapter of WarcraftPets Now Open!

Posted: November 24th, 2013, 4:20 am
by Balut
Good morning, this is Balut!

I had the itch to do "Double Agent" and joined up with Abizzmyl on the server Caelestrasz, which happens to be Oceanic. Main reason for this type of realm, is the times I am able to play as of lately has been early morning or mid afternoon. What this does is puts the realm time at "Prime Hours" when I log other words when i play at those times, it is 7-12pm ("early morning") and 10am-3pm ("mid afternoon"). OK enough of the blah blah blah! lol

I know you might be saying, hey we have an Alliance guild on Madoran...yes indeed we do! However the whole "too many toons on one server" kinda hindered my the above info kinda help choose servers. We (Abizzmyl and I) have got the guild up and running. Every rank, rule and crossed T and dotted i are (at least we tried) same as Madoran. I have played with the Horde side Madoran guild for over 2 years! I love it there! I just wanted the achievment for an Alliance 90.

If anyone wants to join, please feel free to log over and make a new toon - even if you don't devote a lot of time to the toon, we would stil love for you to join! We are almost level 2, and any added exp from leveling would help in a great deal. We are trying NOT to use Mods for mass invites, and we are not really spamming trade for members. So it will be a long road to travel, but we know it will pay off.

Thanks for taking the time to read this,


((sorry for any typos!))

Re: Alliance Oceanic Chapter of WarcraftPets Now Open!

Posted: November 24th, 2013, 4:30 am
by Abizzmyl
Just adding that although I love the guild on Madoran I'm really hoping that all those forum posters and lurkers who play on Oceanic time zones will come and join us on Caelestrasz Alliance. Main reason being that I'm never on at the right times to join all those guild events on Madoran. Hopefully if we get enough interest we can do events at Oceanic server prime times.

If you're interested in joining us just contact Sparkseeker (Balut) or Tarsomina/Myssoni (Me) for an invite.


Re: Alliance Oceanic Chapter of WarcraftPets Now Open!

Posted: November 24th, 2013, 6:41 am
by Bloodyfields
This is awesome, now with this guild on Oceanic you have truly taken the WCP concept worldwide. Shame your Alliance though. For the Horde!. hehehe This couldn't have been started by 2 better people, I know you will rock this guild as you both have been two of the finest examples of what Warcraftpets is all about. Friendship, people and most of all pets. I wish you the best of luck with this. I'm sure many of those pet collectors on Oceanic will welcome the chance to find a home or even just the occasional stopping off place to chat, meet and quest with fellow petaholics.

If there is anything I can do to lend a hand, just ask.

Re: Alliance Oceanic Chapter of WarcraftPets Now Open!

Posted: November 24th, 2013, 7:35 am
by Doobjanka
I'll be bringing my next multi box set to this guild!

Re: Alliance Oceanic Chapter of WarcraftPets Now Open!

Posted: November 26th, 2013, 5:48 am
by Balut

Just want to do this for a while, till we start getting some members. :)

We are now level 2! We have a Tabard and 1 Guild Bank slot, and in that slot we have some pets!


Re: Alliance Oceanic Chapter of WarcraftPets Now Open!

Posted: November 26th, 2013, 5:48 am
by Balut
Doobjanka wrote:I'll be bringing my next multi box set to this guild!
Wow! Very cool, can't wait to have your army help level the guild! :)

Re: Alliance Oceanic Chapter of WarcraftPets Now Open!

Posted: November 26th, 2013, 5:49 am
by Balut
Bloodyfields wrote:This is awesome, now with this guild on Oceanic you have truly taken the WCP concept worldwide. Shame your Alliance though. For the Horde!. hehehe This couldn't have been started by 2 better people, I know you will rock this guild as you both have been two of the finest examples of what Warcraftpets is all about. Friendship, people and most of all pets. I wish you the best of luck with this. I'm sure many of those pet collectors on Oceanic will welcome the chance to find a home or even just the occasional stopping off place to chat, meet and quest with fellow petaholics.

If there is anything I can do to lend a hand, just ask.
Thanks Bloody! You have always been a great help! Thanks for input as always!

Re: Alliance Oceanic Chapter of WarcraftPets Now Open!

Posted: November 26th, 2013, 7:56 am
by Tejana
Damn I have toons on Caelestraz but they're horde :cry:

Re: Alliance Oceanic Chapter of WarcraftPets Now Open!

Posted: November 30th, 2013, 4:04 am
by Balut
Tjana - you can always switch over!


We just dinged Level 3! Come on over!

Re: Alliance Oceanic Chapter of WarcraftPets Now Open!

Posted: November 30th, 2013, 8:01 am
by Doobjanka
Tejana wrote:Damn I have toons on Caelestraz but they're horde :cry:
Yeah, I accidentally rolled Horde first! Got my Belfs Mages to level 7 before looking for Balut. Glad we're RealID friends! Didn't waste too much time.

Re: Alliance Oceanic Chapter of WarcraftPets Now Open!

Posted: February 20th, 2014, 5:04 pm
by Abizzmyl
I've noticed there's still interest in Alliance guilds on these forums so I thought I'd give this a bump. The WarcraftPets guild on Caelestrasz is still here even though Balut has taken a WoW break. The guild is level 5 now and I'd love to have some company here. Hopefully there's someone who plays on Oceanic time who is willing to roll an Alliance toon. Anyhow, if interested look for Myssoni/Tarsomina in-game or feel free to add my BTag to request an invite (Rellish#1195).

Just to clarify, anyone is welcome, regardless of the time you play (assuming you have a US account) but just note that our aim in starting this guild was to get enough interest so that we can have guild events at times that suit those who play during Oceanic prime time. I know myself I am never online at the times the guild events on Madoran happen!

Re: Alliance Oceanic Chapter of WarcraftPets Still Here

Posted: February 26th, 2014, 12:53 am
by Abizzmyl
So the guild is now level 6. I know that's not many perks yet but it's going to take me a loooooooong time to level this solo! Looking for some company here before I start talking to myself in guild chat.

As mentioned previously, whisper Myssoni or Tarsomina in-game (I'm on most evenings Oceanic time) or request an invite via BTag (Rellish#1195). Or if you're in the Madoran guild you can always ask Doob to invite you.

Re: Alliance Oceanic Chapter of WarcraftPets Now Open!

Posted: March 1st, 2014, 2:28 pm
by Rosz
Ooooh, I am definitely starting a toon there! I am Pacific time but often play early mornings and have thought about trying for Oceanic. Hmmmmmm. Of course I am very time-zone challenged so this might be a baaad idea. But having other folks around in my play times would be super.