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What are the most active battle-pet guilds?

Posted: February 27th, 2015, 4:15 pm
by Willk_1230
I'm looking for a guild of battle-pet enthusiasts. I'm on Nessingwary and would like to find one there, but I'll change servers for the right guild.

I'm looking for a guild with numerous active members, all of the pet-related perks open (or being worked on), and members who are friendly and willing to share advice and help fellow members obtain the harder-to-get pets. And of course, I'm willing to contribute!

Thanks in advance for your help!

Re: What are the most active battle-pet guilds?

Posted: February 28th, 2015, 2:09 pm
by Petzy
The pet guilds on Madoran - horde are so active I doubt any others can be close. :lol: There are so many players there are 5 guilds now & we use Greenwall to link them. Not all have everything unlocked & none have the new Challenge mode pet yet.

We are WarcraftPets, Magical Menagerie, Pet Peeves, Littlest Pet League & Dead Mole Society.

If you are wanting Alliance I'd check out the guilds on the stickied thread "List of Guilds & Servers" ... =11&t=4167

Re: What are the most active battle-pet guilds?

Posted: March 18th, 2015, 3:47 pm
by Morlis
I would agree with Petzy, Horde on Madoran is quite active between all the connected guilds. be sure to get the Greenwall Addon or you will have trouble understanding conversations. For a few days I scratched my head wondering what people were talking about, it seemed I was seeing one sided conversations. The first time I just figured someone was typing in Guild when he meant to be in Party, Raid, or something like that.

I don't turn on all the notifications so I see a lot of "Congrats" type messages and have no clue who they are referring too. It seems a bit to much spam with 5 guilds worth of activity.