Search found 229 matches
- October 27th, 2019, 11:41 pm
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: Best breed for Papi
- Replies: 4
- Views: 10513
Re: Best breed for Papi
I''m going for PP as well, speed is so low, its good value going PP as not to waste too many points in the stat-budget. Quick Attack and Preen both benefit from PP as well. Sunsoaked Flitter I'm going SS. PP isn't fast enough and BB is out of question with 2 pure breeds available. Crimson Skipper ha...
- August 18th, 2019, 10:40 pm
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: How do you level your pets?
- Replies: 32
- Views: 50595
Re: How do you level your pets?
Just use MoP + WoD + DMF tamers, 2 fights a pet 1-25 during pet week. Start at midnight and you got 8 days instead of 7. I skip two WoD tamers and without DMF, thats 15 tamers x 8 / 2 ~ 60x level 1 pets for a single pet bonus XP week, taking less than an hour every day. Wild 25 pets caged at 23, sim...
- August 18th, 2019, 8:25 am
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Tricorne and Foe Reaper 0.9
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2850
Re: Tricorne and Foe Reaper 0.9
Bumping again, anyone heard anything, or gotten any information from GMs? I remember people being upset by this back when it launched originally, and despite bug reports and suggestions from my part, haven't seen any change.
- August 17th, 2019, 7:03 pm
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: BfA Wild Pet discussion
- Replies: 18
- Views: 24817
Re: BfA Wild Pet discussion
I couldn't find any other topics discussing the 'optimal' breeds for the pets added in 8.2 so that was a bit sad to see. I spend 2-3 hours the other day going through all the new pets, cross-check their movesets if possible, and put my thoughts into what breeds I'm eyeing to get. In general I've obs...
- August 17th, 2019, 6:46 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: wondering if there are other new pets in old content?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3907
Re: wondering if there are other new pets in old content?
When you capture one, you get a quest started as well, it's just a turn in to nearby NPC, but could be foreshadowing to something in future like previously mentioned. Also it seems it doesn't come as a rare spawn according to comments on the pet page.
- May 6th, 2019, 9:03 am
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: Gnomeregan last boss change?
- Replies: 17
- Views: 14304
Re: Gnomeregan last boss change?
I once forgot to slot Plushie into slot3 (high hp) and was like "did they change it, wtf is going on?", then I realized my PICNIC error. As long as Jackhammer remains a quad-attack, you can cheese it with thorns-based strategies, that is the core essence why the fight is so easy. And it doesnt seem ...
- April 9th, 2019, 8:50 pm
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: BfA Wild Pet discussion
- Replies: 18
- Views: 24817
Re: BfA Wild Pet discussion
What do you guys think of the breed choices for the Crimson Octopode, available from the dubloon vendor? Granted it also isn't a wild pet, but might as well keep discussions here rather than make a new topic every time there's new additions. SS, PP and HH. Dive+Whirlpool+Bubble+Squeeze option for sl...
- February 16th, 2019, 8:03 pm
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: Pet Battle week and Pet Treats
- Replies: 11
- Views: 8896
Re: Pet Battle week and Pet Treats
Forgot to add my Safari Hat on todays route and thought I'd just add to my previous statements. You still land at level 17 from 1 with Sign of the Critter only XP-source added, land at 600XP in rather 963XP in. Second match still pops your pet to 25 without the hat. It is idiot proof, you cannot act...
- February 13th, 2019, 3:48 pm
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: Pet Battle week and Pet Treats
- Replies: 11
- Views: 8896
Re: Pet Battle week and Pet Treats
But its wasted as you need 2 tamers only from 1-25 anyway... Assume level 1 pet during the pet week (which you cant turn off) and with a Safari Hat which is also free once its attained and stays on, doing 12,5x tamers (level 25) (vast majority): - 11238 xp from level 1, puts you at level 17 and 963 ...
- February 12th, 2019, 12:53 pm
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: Now that Gnomeregan is over ...
- Replies: 24
- Views: 20792
Re: Now that Gnomeregan is over ...
All content in WoW is designed on locking players into active on-going subscription so they keep getting their revenue. That is why we see weekly based stuff, events. Daily grinds for vendor rewards. Stuff going over many with time-gate such as pet dungeons. I'm torn between Gnomeregan being boring ...
- February 8th, 2019, 5:07 am
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: Family Battler
- Replies: 25
- Views: 29305
Re: Family Battler
I see what you did there Peanutty 
Yep, Fuxie, Elemental was the worst race for Kwint, 3-4 RNG factors had to align up for kill. Waste-o-time tamer.
Uduwudu, we're talking Family Battler, not regular dailies.

Yep, Fuxie, Elemental was the worst race for Kwint, 3-4 RNG factors had to align up for kill. Waste-o-time tamer.
Uduwudu, we're talking Family Battler, not regular dailies.
- January 31st, 2019, 2:21 am
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: BfA Wild Pet discussion
- Replies: 18
- Views: 24817
Re: BfA Wild Pet discussion
Sorry if this is considering necro'ing a bit, but I couldn't find much information on Needleback Pup, it isn't a wild pet either, but I know and value your breed opinions here on warcraft pets. It seems to be only IE pet with multi-breed, HP and PP. I'm leaning HP myself, sub-1400 HP just seems a ta...
- January 31st, 2019, 2:05 am
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: Most Efficient Leveling Route
- Replies: 6
- Views: 8653
Re: Most Efficient Leveling Route
Back in previous expansions (started in MoP) when I was still gathering up my collection, I would do all the satchel trainers, Beasts of Fable and MoP tamers. Shrine of Seven Stars into jade forest, into kunlai, into townlong, into vale, into dread, into krasarang, into valley, finish off with telep...
- January 31st, 2019, 1:20 am
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: Family Battler
- Replies: 25
- Views: 29305
Re: Family Battler
Yeah the problem with wowhead is too much messy information, navigation, missing information, bits and pieces. Its not a good format for consolidated, structured strategies. I've been using Xu-Fu as well since Legion. It's on point, easy navigation and overview, user-based upload/input, alternative ...
- January 11th, 2019, 8:12 pm
- Forum: (EU) Pet Trading
- Topic: [COMPLETED] LF Blight Bomber toy and Tanzil pet (horde items) - offering alliance ones
- Replies: 0
- Views: 2366
[COMPLETED] LF Blight Bomber toy and Tanzil pet (horde items) - offering alliance ones
Hello Since I'm mainly alliance, I got my horde character saving up for the 750 mount bat since that apparently doesn't convert from Priestess Moonsaber. So I need someone playing Horde to trade me the Horde toy+pet (Blight Bomber + Tanzil). I will offer the alliance toy (Glaive Tosser) and pet (Tre...
- January 6th, 2019, 5:59 am
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Tricorne and Foe Reaper 0.9
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2850
Re: Tricorne and Foe Reaper 0.9
Bumping this one, anyone knows anything on the subject?
With Gnomeregan being released now, pets are cageable and releaseable. Yet these from Deadmines seems to be a normal case of Blizzard lazyness to go back and fix simple things?
With Gnomeregan being released now, pets are cageable and releaseable. Yet these from Deadmines seems to be a normal case of Blizzard lazyness to go back and fix simple things?
- September 15th, 2018, 8:55 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Boghopper and Mudshell Conch - no wild rares?
- Replies: 1
- Views: 2371
Re: Boghopper and Mudshell Conch - no wild rares?
Haven't seen any for Boghopper and Hermit Crab, the two over-statted pets of BFA. Mudshell - no idea, years ago.
- September 15th, 2018, 12:34 pm
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: BFA World Tamers
- Replies: 11
- Views: 9496
Re: BFA World Tamers
Every day there seems to be 3 pet battle WQs on average. So you can't do anything on your terms, gotta chew whats being served. Actually, the average is always 4. There are two large WQ resets every day (in EU, that's 9 am and 9 pm). Each of these resets brings along 2 pet WQs, one on each continen...
- September 2nd, 2018, 6:29 am
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Island Expedition Pets
- Replies: 139
- Views: 197543
Re: Island Expedition Pets
Or change the achievement to be accountwide since the criteria inherently are accwide being pets-collected, unless credit is only given when using the item that gives the pet, then we would be in for a treat /s.
- September 2nd, 2018, 6:25 am
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Is anyone else seriously annoyed?
- Replies: 16
- Views: 10432
Re: Is anyone else seriously annoyed?
NA just got 2 pet battles for 34 pet charms total. Maybe someone at Blizz is listening to you guys :lol: Just finished leveling up my 3rd 120 today so glad I made that push. Yes it does seem the way to play the game to 'win' since WoD is to run multiple alts early on. More chances for rewards as it...