Search found 2790 matches
- February 2nd, 2025, 10:17 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Teatuft Tamer - new pet not on site
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1182
Re: Teatuft Tamer - new pet not on site
Both February Trading Post pets should be live in our database now, sorry for the delay!
- December 26th, 2024, 3:39 am
- Forum: Site Bugs and Suggestions
- Topic: Error Alert: Your character was not found
- Replies: 5
- Views: 3286
Re: Error Alert: Your character was not found
Our web developer investigated and found this to be an issue on Blizzard's end. It seems to be randomly affecting a number of users on various severs. Unfortunately, since this is something Blizzard needs to resolve, we'll just have to wait and hope it will get fixed soon. A possible work-around: Us...
- December 25th, 2024, 3:54 am
- Forum: Site Bugs and Suggestions
- Topic: Error Alert: Your character was not found
- Replies: 5
- Views: 3286
Re: Error Alert: Your character was not found
When was the last time you logged into your character? Sometimes the armory needs a recent log-in to refresh its data. Checking your character's armory page it shows 0 unique pets collected, so I'm wondering if this is a bug on Blizzard's end. I'll pass this to our web developer, however since it is...
- December 6th, 2024, 9:15 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: New Promo Pet - Razer - Razeshi B. Pet / Coral-Stalker Waveray Mount
- Replies: 20
- Views: 7030
Re: New Promo Pet - Razer - Razeshi B. Pet / Coral-Stalker Waveray Mount
I was just wondering if you can buy it at best buy or amazon and still get the pet and mounts. Under their Terms and Conditions: "3. Offers are only applicable for purchases made on RazerStore and cannot be combined with any other offers." So, no, Razer products purchased on Amazon or from any othe...
- December 5th, 2024, 8:07 am
- Forum: PTR / Beta Discussion
- Topic: Slim in Patch 11.0.7
- Replies: 0
- Views: 5061
Slim in Patch 11.0.7
As we've all seen, Slim appears to be bugged and unavailable so far. However, Lazey has reported that this pet might be available in upcoming Patch 11.0.7. There is a catch, though, as it's not 100% fixed. It seems that the breadcrumb item that unlocks the chain that leads to the quest that will ult...
- December 3rd, 2024, 5:53 pm
- Forum: Site Bugs and Suggestions
- Topic: Home page hasn't been updated since October?
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3000
Re: Home page hasn't been updated since October?
Thanks for the feedback! We do our best to stay on top of pet news, but sometimes some pets slip through and/or don't warrant a full article (updating the front page can be time-consuming). We definitely plan on covering the upcoming Patch 11.0.7. For quick announcements, our socials are often updat...
- November 22nd, 2024, 9:28 pm
- Forum: (EU) Pet Trading
- Topic: [WTS] Lil'Flameo
- Replies: 11
- Views: 9183
Re: [WTS] Lil'Flameo
Quick reminder that real-world money trades are not allowed on the WarcraftPets forums, per our Pet Trading Guidelines. Only digital transactions are permitted. If this trade is for the code for in-game gold, other pets, etc., then no worries!
- November 9th, 2024, 7:42 pm
- Forum: Site Bugs and Suggestions
- Topic: error on reimport: ALERT: Unknown error. We've logged this error and will be looking into it — FIXED
- Replies: 8
- Views: 14553
Re: error on reimport: ALERT: Unknown error. We've logged this error and will be looking into it — please ch
Fixed Gizmo the Pure, try re-importing again and it should update!
- November 7th, 2024, 3:28 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Family Battler of Khaz Algar - fuzzy pet
- Replies: 9
- Views: 4382
Re: Family Battler of Khaz Algar - fuzzy pet
Blizzard has, at the very least, noted that this a known ongoing issue:
- October 27th, 2024, 1:22 pm
- Forum: (US) Pet Trading
- Topic: Looking for Help to Get the Funko Pop Ice Murloc Code (EU WoW Player)
- Replies: 6
- Views: 5966
Re: Looking for Help to Get the Funko Pop Ice Murloc Code (EU WoW Player)
Quick reminder that real-world money trades are not allowed on the WarcraftPets forums, per our Pet Trading Guidelines. Only digital transactions are permitted. If this trade is for the code for in-game gold, other pets, etc., then no worries!
- October 26th, 2024, 8:09 pm
- Forum: Site Bugs and Suggestions
- Topic: Error when trying to update collection
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3858
Re: Error when trying to update collection
This should be fixed now, ty for your patience. Please let us know if you run into any other errors!
- October 26th, 2024, 8:09 pm
- Forum: Site Bugs and Suggestions
- Topic: error on reimport: ALERT: Unknown error. We've logged this error and will be looking into it — FIXED
- Replies: 8
- Views: 14553
Re: error on reimport: ALERT: Unknown error. We've logged this error and will be looking into it — please ch
This should be fixed now, ty for your patience. Please let us know if you run into any other errors!
- October 26th, 2024, 11:09 am
- Forum: Site Bugs and Suggestions
- Topic: error on reimport: ALERT: Unknown error. We've logged this error and will be looking into it — FIXED
- Replies: 8
- Views: 14553
Re: error on reimport: ALERT: Unknown error. We've logged this error and will be looking into it — please ch
Thanks for the report. I've sent it over to our web developer to look into. If it's an issue on Blizzard's end we'll have to wait for them to resolve it.
Thank you for your patience while we get this sorted out!
Thank you for your patience while we get this sorted out!
- October 25th, 2024, 6:05 pm
- Forum: Site Bugs and Suggestions
- Topic: Error when trying to update collection
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3858
Re: Error when trying to update collection
Will pass this along to our web dev. It could be on Blizzard's end though, in which case we'll just have to wait for them to resolve the issue.
- October 25th, 2024, 12:19 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Reven & new murloc pet
- Replies: 14
- Views: 4522
Reven & new murloc pet
Two new pets dropped today: Reven and an "ice murloc" (both limited time exclusives from the Blizzard Store and Gear Store) Info on Reven: Info on the "ice murloc":
- October 23rd, 2024, 6:32 am
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Family Battler of Khaz Algar - fuzzy pet
- Replies: 9
- Views: 4382
Re: Family Battler of Khaz Algar - fuzzy pet
A couple of people have mentioned that completing the achievement post Patch 11.0.5 does indeed reward Fuzzy. It would seem that only those of us that completed the achievement prior to Patch 11.0.5 aren't rewarded the new pet (for now). If you're in that boat, put in a bug report in-game and on the...
- October 4th, 2024, 1:20 am
- Forum: Site Bugs and Suggestions
- Topic: Search a Profile
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4282
Re: Search a Profile
It's not the fastest way, but if you have her profile open and are viewing her pet collection, you could try sorting by Rarity and going to the final few pages to see her lower quality pets. If she's logged in, she can search for the specific pet and it should tell her on the pet's page what quality...
- September 16th, 2024, 7:52 pm
- Forum: (US) Pet Trading
- Topic: WTB Gummi
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3332
Re: WTB Gummi
Correct, per our Pet Trading Guidelines (#5). Please stick to digital transactions on our forums/website.
- September 4th, 2024, 7:16 pm
- Forum: Site Bugs and Suggestions
- Topic: Search filter for pets from Promotions, Trading Post, or other source not inlcuded in "Found in Zone"?
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3787
Re: Search filter for pets from Promotions, Trading Post, or other source not inlcuded in "Found in Zone"?
Have you tried our Pet Filters instead of Smart Pet Search? We have filters for the source of most pets, although it's simplified for some categories. Promotional filter:,Y# Achievement filter:
- September 4th, 2024, 4:49 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Gummi, Trolli pet.
- Replies: 154
- Views: 55329
Re: Gummi, Trolli pet.
We're all for helping out fellow pet collectors, however, a gentle reminder that WarcraftPets does not allow real-world money trades on our website, per our Pet Trading Guidelines. Anything coordinated elsewhere is out of our hands, just please be conscious of any risks when trading.