Good morning all,
Quick question. Is there a quick way to back up all your rematch teams and tabs? I'm afraid to upgrade and loose all my saved tabs and teams. I have over a dozen tabs with over a dozen teams in each tab.
Am I suck right clicking every team and exporting individually?
Search found 298 matches
- October 19th, 2020, 9:15 am
- Forum: Pet Addons and Macros
- Topic: Rematch backing up
- Replies: 2
- Views: 6715
- November 28th, 2019, 11:28 am
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Turkey animated gif
- Replies: 0
- Views: 7743
Turkey animated gif
Anyone know if there is an animated gif out there of the turkey jumping into the fire?
I’ve been looking and can’t find one and for the life of me have no idea how to make one.
Happy Thanksgiving all
I’ve been looking and can’t find one and for the life of me have no idea how to make one.
Happy Thanksgiving all
- June 19th, 2019, 9:16 am
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: Gnomeregan last boss change?
- Replies: 17
- Views: 14346
- May 22nd, 2019, 8:01 pm
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: Squirt the Wandering Trainer days (2025)
- Replies: 173
- Views: 1386367
Re: Squirt the Wandering Trainer days (Jan-Jul 2019)
Look alive US. Day after tomorrow Squirt graces us with her presence. Get your food and Safari Hat's ready. 

- April 9th, 2019, 11:06 am
- Forum: (US) Pet Trading
- Topic: not many but a few pets to trade
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1884
not many but a few pets to trade
Morning all, I have an extra Hydrath Droplet , Azure Windseeker , and Pandaren Fire Spirit I'm missing the following IE pets: Baby Stonehide Barnaby Craghoof Kid Juvenile Brineshell Leatherwing Screecher Muskflank Calfling Needleback Pup Rotting Ghoul Scritches Snort Sparkleshell Sandcrawler Tonguel...
- March 24th, 2019, 12:03 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Raiding With Leashes VI LFR
- Replies: 18
- Views: 30825
Re: Raiding With Leashes VI LFR
Doubling up with LFR runs enabled me to knock out the achievement in one day. Of course I have 10 characters level 110 or higher. But even then I didn't expect to get them all in one day. I finished the achievement by character 4 and had a bunch of extra's that sold on the AH for a crap ton of gold....
- March 24th, 2019, 12:00 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Any interest in a [Glory Of The Tomb Raider] run for Micronax? (Alliance side)
- Replies: 63
- Views: 55604
Re: Any interest in a [Glory Of The Tomb Raider] run for Micronax? (Alliance side)
It was a great run. Progressing through all the learning curves rapidly and successfully. Thank you very much to all those who came.
- March 23rd, 2019, 9:25 am
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Any interest in a [Glory Of The Tomb Raider] run for Micronax? (Alliance side)
- Replies: 63
- Views: 55604
Re: Any interest in a [Glory Of The Tomb Raider] run for Micronax? (Alliance side)
All signed up, looking forward to it.
- February 15th, 2019, 9:39 am
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: Now that Gnomeregan is over ...
- Replies: 24
- Views: 20855
Re: Now that Gnomeregan is over ...
I'd love to see a "What a long strange pet trip it's been" kind of achievement. Add a new holiday themed pet battle to each holiday. Require the achievement to have all of them completed with a max level team of every family type similar to all the family battle achievements. Have some kind of outst...
- February 9th, 2019, 3:15 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Any interest in a [Glory Of The Tomb Raider] run for Micronax? (Alliance side)
- Replies: 63
- Views: 55604
Re: Any interest in a [Glory Of The Tomb Raider] run for Micronax? (Alliance side)
Add me to the interested list if another run is organized
Fayhth, 120 Prot Paladin, US - Kirin Tor
Fayhth, 120 Prot Paladin, US - Kirin Tor
- October 3rd, 2017, 6:29 am
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: Animations stuck
- Replies: 10
- Views: 7943
Re: Animations stuck
Another unstick option is, if you play WoW in windowed mode, have a second window of any sort open and just switch to it during the battle (I usually browse the web, email, etc during pet battles). As long as WoW isn't the primary window the animations seem to work normally. This. I play with multi...
- September 26th, 2017, 6:53 am
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues - US alli - LAST WEEK
- Replies: 22
- Views: 18390
Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues (weekly) - US allia
This is so awesome of you. I'm travelling for work today but hope to he home tonight. I'll friend you as soon as I can get on.
I have a lot of high end progression raiding experience prior to legion as well.
Looking forward to hopefully achieving a lot with you all.
I have a lot of high end progression raiding experience prior to legion as well.
Looking forward to hopefully achieving a lot with you all.
- September 18th, 2017, 12:22 pm
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: Family Fighter - FUN! ty Blizzard
- Replies: 33
- Views: 19189
Re: Family Fighter - FUN! ty Blizzard
In my opinion I think your success chance should be directly proportional to your collection. Avid pet collectors with very large collections, including some of the rarer pets like the minfernal or unborn valkir, should be able to put together a team with a moveset to get a 75% success chance. And i...
- August 24th, 2017, 12:19 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Glory of the Tomb Raider run
- Replies: 89
- Views: 65535
Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider run
I'd be down for this. BM Hunter, Wirhl, Alliance, Kirin Tor.
Lots of previous raid experience, finished mythic Archimonde before 7.0. Haven't raided this xpac due to moving cross county and several job changes.
Lots of previous raid experience, finished mythic Archimonde before 7.0. Haven't raided this xpac due to moving cross county and several job changes.
- December 1st, 2016, 1:31 pm
- Forum: PTR / Beta Discussion
- Topic: Paradox Spirit / Infinite Hatchling Question
- Replies: 9
- Views: 8509
Re: Paradox Spirit / Infinite Hatchling Question
Keep in mind that the TW initial quest grants 500 badges I believe? or is it 400? can't remember. I could see the pets going for 1000 badges. That's not too unreasonable, but I enjoy running the old dungeons. Of course you now have the daily trivia question for 25 badges. Login, answer the question,...
- December 1st, 2016, 1:07 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: My Collection (When-How)
- Replies: 38
- Views: 24471
Re: My Collection (When-How)
I remember my decision to start collecting vividly. My very first character was a warrior, started back in Jan. of 2008 during BC. I remember leveling him and seeing a pet here and there but they took up bag space so there was no way I was going to collect pets. Loose bag space? No way. Well, on my ...
- December 1st, 2016, 12:56 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Winter Rageling
- Replies: 4
- Views: 3401
Re: Winter Rageling
I've managed the [pet]Winter Rageling[/pet] but it's the [pet]Snaplasher[/pet] from Freya that refuses to drop for any of my characters. It's the only one left that I need. Maybe this week.
- December 1st, 2016, 12:48 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Graves
- Replies: 5
- Views: 3549
Re: Graves
I've finally hit level 19 on my HotS. It's only taken me since release. I play HotS so very rarely and have really only done solo content. It takes a while but you'll get there eventually.
- November 2nd, 2016, 7:54 am
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: Best farmable leveling method for the 3x without Squirt?
- Replies: 10
- Views: 8218
Re: Best farmable leveling method for the 3x without Squirt?
For Horde I'd recommend the large packs of [pet]Icespine Hatchling[/pet] in Frostfire Ridge. Northwest of the garrison near some rocks and trees are a few large groups. The [pet]Feline Familiar[/pet] eats these alive. You can also check out the following...
- October 30th, 2016, 11:46 am
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Raiding With Leashes IV drop rates!
- Replies: 90
- Views: 46506
Re: Raiding With Leashes IV drop rates!
5 Characters have run all 3 raids thus far. Here are my results. Ulduar: [pet]Magma Rageling[/pet] x1 [pet]Ironbound Proto-Whelp[/pet] x2 [pet]Runeforged Servitor[/pet] x2 [pet]Sanctum Cub[/pet] x2 [pet]Winter Rageling[/pet] [pet]Snaplasher[/pet] [pet]G0-R41-0N Ultratonk[/pet] x1 [pet]Creeping Tenta...