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- December 12th, 2024, 2:17 pm
- Forum: Pet Addons and Macros
- Topic: Rematch 5.0
- Replies: 187
- Views: 971338
Re: Rematch 5.0
99% sure it is (was??) a Rematch feature.... 100% sure I have never had Battle Pet Battle UI Tweaks installed. Rematch never did anything to the pet battle unit UI's. It's a fairly self contained addon. Addons like Pet Tracker, Pet Battle UI Tweaks, Battle Pet Breed ID all do things like that, and ...
- November 18th, 2024, 10:40 am
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Another year, no Arfus. How many others?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2523
Re: Another year, no Arfus. How many others?
Joining the club 

- November 18th, 2024, 9:25 am
- Forum: Pet Addons and Macros
- Topic: Rematch 5.0
- Replies: 187
- Views: 971338
Re: Rematch 5.0
On the enemy health bar, there used to be some bars that e.g. showed when to use (mech) explosion and some other abilities. That's not a Rematch feature, but it is a Battle Pet Battle UI Tweaks feature. Did you remove/disable it? 99% sure it is (was??) a Rematch feature.... 100% sure I have never h...
- November 17th, 2024, 9:32 am
- Forum: Pet Addons and Macros
- Topic: Rematch 5.0
- Replies: 187
- Views: 971338
Re: Rematch 5.0
On the enemy health bar, there used to be some bars that e.g. showed when to use (mech) explosion and some other abilities. Those indicators have been missing for quite some time.......maybe all the way back from when we swithed from V4 to v5.
Any chance it will come back?
Any chance it will come back?
- September 11th, 2023, 1:28 pm
- Forum: Pet Addons and Macros
- Topic: Rematch 5.0
- Replies: 187
- Views: 971338
Re: Rematch 5.0
Hey Gello,
Can you (re)release a new Beta, please?
The latest v4 release superseeds the latest v5 beta, and since v5-beta ruined v4-setup, it's kinda annoying that I can't just "Update all" in curseforge.
Can you (re)release a new Beta, please?
The latest v4 release superseeds the latest v5 beta, and since v5-beta ruined v4-setup, it's kinda annoying that I can't just "Update all" in curseforge.
- September 1st, 2023, 5:09 pm
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: Fastest pet levelling?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 24477
Re: Fastest pet levelling?
Legion Tamers give the same XP per battle as Pandaria or Draenor Tamers (except Ashlei, which gives a little more) but you can repeat them as much as you like as long as their quest is up. And because so many people do them so often, there are great fast strats available specifically for speed leve...
- August 21st, 2023, 11:28 pm
- Forum: Pet Addons and Macros
- Topic: Rematch 5.0
- Replies: 187
- Views: 971338
Re: Rematch 5.0
Pet Battle Scripts v1.8 was released today. Is it me that is an imbicile, or does it still not work with Rematch v5.0? There has not been any work on Rematch 5 in that version, as seen in the changelog. The way I read it , was that Rematch was changed to accomodate a future update/fix of PBS, so th...
- August 20th, 2023, 3:26 pm
- Forum: Pet Addons and Macros
- Topic: Rematch 5.0
- Replies: 187
- Views: 971338
Re: Rematch 5.0
- Script-button is greyed out If this is for Pet Battle Scripts, I'm not involved in that project sorry. I've created stuff to hopefully make the move to the new version easier, but I don't know its status. Sorry, I've seen your update but didn't have time to work on it yet. For those interested, p...
- August 14th, 2023, 10:02 am
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Garrlok
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4752
How is this possible?

- August 13th, 2023, 6:18 am
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: Fastest pet levelling?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 24477
Re: Fastest pet levelling?
I do have the pets.... 1645 unique in total 
Currently, I have alts at every trainer in Draenor, since the quests are daily pr account, so no flying needed.
But legion is faster than WoD?

Currently, I have alts at every trainer in Draenor, since the quests are daily pr account, so no flying needed.
But legion is faster than WoD?
- August 13th, 2023, 4:58 am
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: Fastest pet levelling?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 24477
Fastest pet levelling?
Now that Super Squit day is a thing of the past, what is the fastest way to level pets?
I have 77 that I need to level, and 10-20 more will come the next few weeks.........and then 10.2 will hit and give us more...
I have 77 that I need to level, and 10-20 more will come the next few weeks.........and then 10.2 will hit and give us more...
- August 9th, 2023, 7:19 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: 15 years it has taken me to finally get this pet! Spirit of Competition on Trader Post this month
- Replies: 7
- Views: 11408
Re: 15 years it has taken me to finally get this pet! Spirit of Competition on Trader Post this month
I refused to do any kind of PvP back in 2008, so naturally I didn't get it.. It was rumored it would be a pet that would be available at every olympic, so I looked for it in the winter of 2010, summer of 2012 etc etc, but was sorely disappointed, when it never reappeared.. I was on vacation from 31/...
- August 9th, 2023, 6:00 pm
- Forum: Pet Addons and Macros
- Topic: Rematch 5.0
- Replies: 187
- Views: 971338
Re: Rematch 5.0
Interact worked like a charm :) I thought auto-load was pretty much default, when a target was specified; why else specify a target? Maybe let "Interact" be on as default? Hopefully, the script thing will be fixed; Have gotten quite used to just pressed A to fight ;) But I can see, it's out of your ...
- August 8th, 2023, 7:23 am
- Forum: Pet Addons and Macros
- Topic: Rematch 5.0
- Replies: 187
- Views: 971338
Re: Rematch 5.0
Looooads of new UI stuff... Looks nice...
But I've come across a few things that annoys me (Beta 10):
- Teams doesn't load automatic, when you target a boss. Edit Team -> Targets show the correct target.
- Script-button is greyed out
- Notes stay on screen after battle ends
But I've come across a few things that annoys me (Beta 10):
- Teams doesn't load automatic, when you target a boss. Edit Team -> Targets show the correct target.
- Script-button is greyed out
- Notes stay on screen after battle ends
- May 14th, 2023, 3:46 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Rares in Zaralek Cavern
- Replies: 5
- Views: 21387
Re: Rares in Zaralek Cavern
Either strategy works imo. Killing wild pets with player spells is faster, but you could be killing a rare pet (either front or backline) without knowing it. Defeating them in a Pet Battle allows you to see the qualities but it's a lot slower. You can just defeat just the first pet, forfeit, and th...
- May 14th, 2023, 10:26 am
- Forum: (US) Pet Trading
- Topic: Selling My Huge Pet Collection
- Replies: 5
- Views: 11937
Re: Selling My Huge Pet Collection
What do you need gold for, if you quit the game?
Just give the pets away, if you are really quitting.
Just give the pets away, if you are really quitting.
- May 14th, 2023, 10:05 am
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Gerald - Family Battler of Zaralek Cavern bugged
- Replies: 10
- Views: 20333
Re: Gerald - Family Battler of Zaralek Cavern bugged
I got Gerald when I completed the achievement on 7/5-23, 3 days before hotfix.
- May 14th, 2023, 10:04 am
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Rares in Zaralek Cavern
- Replies: 5
- Views: 21387
Rares in Zaralek Cavern
Hi, I have never ever seen a Lithengale , Scarlepod , Deepridger or Ebonwing Moth . Is it a viable strategy to simply kill Rock martins, Cobbleshells, Slabwings and Hollow Moths, without using Pet Battle, to force them out? Or do I need to pet battle them, in order to have a chance of a rare spawn n...
- November 21st, 2022, 12:16 am
- Forum: Pet Addons and Macros
- Topic: Rematch 4.0
- Replies: 707
- Views: 816730
Re: Rematch 4.0
Feature suggestion: With Blizzard having changed things, so pets can be upgraded, without being summoned, an idea for a new feature came into my mind. What if (when on the Queue-tab) the bottom (or top) of the queue-window, displayed 6 new icons: <Class> Battle-Training Stone, Flawless Battle-Traini...
- April 28th, 2022, 12:05 am
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Sir Snips/Bucketshell
- Replies: 16
- Views: 35028
Re: Sir Snips/Bucketshell
I did it, mostly by doing events on 13 alts getting the bonus honor and moving onto next. I lost 75% or so of my matches, thousands of matches. I believe the best way to approach this is to simply play during the bonus times, as much as you can stand and ignore it when the bonus time is not active....