Elleria's Comments
(24) comments by Elleria

Comments by Date (24)
Glitterspore Lake.
Acidbite Ravine and Cascades Column. Kill any non battle petss, they're place holders.
Sulfur Wastes. Primary pet.
Sulfur Wastes. Primary pet. Kill non-battle pets as they're place holders.
The book is someimes clickable right away, otherwise you only need to wait a couple of minutes.
There is a small grove of trees with sleeping prowlers that have place holder non battleable and primary battle pets along the road in front of the Temple of Humility, diagonal across from the sign post where Heraclor wanders. 60.41
Common quality found as a primary near trees at the Vir'naal Oasis.
They can be found as mains in Isolon and Umbra Hollows.
Oh, I hope we can have both, it would just be unfair if we couldn't, and we ARE paying real money, after all. Fingies crossed!
Found near the piles of bars in front of All That Glitters Prospecting Co. across from the apothecary 3.47am server.
Will this be a tradeable item? I'm unable to play right now and don't want to miss out getting one.
** Edit: 1.55pm server time (8.59pm Australian EST), on Suramar, I found and caged my rare Snowy Owl. Ice Thistle Hills 66.63. Good luck and happy hunting!
Between 11.57pm and 12.58am on Suramar, I found HEAPS of owls absolutely everywhere. After an hour, they seemed to all disappear and alot of other pets spawned.
I found an Uncommon between Frostwhisper Gorge and Mazthoril.
Does Moonfang spawn in exactly the same place at the Darkmoon Faire, like the Rabbit?
This pet has taken me roughly a week to find as a rare and it was also a primary. There is a group that has the foxling and three kits with it, on a snowy ledge right next to Knucklethump Hole, on the right hand side facing north. I stayed in this spot and battled this same group until I got my rare, which also had a rare Zooey Snake attached and a poor quality Alpine Foxling Kit. This one is definitely a test of patience, good luck!
I found a group of three of these as a primary in each battle in The Summer Fields, Vale of Eternal Blossoms. I didn't get a rare, but there was a rare quality Yellow-Bellied Bullfrog attached to the third group. I also found a second group above the Ruins of Guo-Lai and Setting Sun Garrison, again no rare.
Finally got my rare as a secondary to an Uncommon Golden Civet with a poor Yellow-Bellied Bullfrog in The Five Sisters, Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Twice now, I have caught this pet as a rare at 9.30am server time. The first time (yesterday morning), my pets weren't at full health and died, then when I found it this morning I managed to cage it and win the battle. I had an alt parked in Sindragosa's Fall for close to a week, checking often for it to spawn. Happy hunting!
Utgarde Catacombs is definitely the best place to find this pet, though it requires alot of time and patience. My best advice would be to take a high enough level Night Elf Hunter, as you have the option to shadowmeld or feign death right by one that you can battle and stay hidden so that you can do so without having all of the zombies on you leaving you in combat and unable to fight.
This pet is by far one of the most annoying to find, for me. I've only seen a small amount as secondaries (seems to be attached to Rattlesnakes and Yellow-Bellied Marmots, from what I've seen), and those I find that are primary battle pets are usually stuck in a wall if found in or near a building, or are phased. The phasing seriously needs to be fixed.
Currently sitting at two hours of running around in circles, as well as periodically checking throughout the day, clearing slimes and maggots, no sign of a rare quality. I have seen only four spawns, all uncommon. More people show up, both Alliance and Horde. This has been one of the more frustrating pets to hunt for, I'm beginning to think I may just leave it at the level 11 uncommon I have and upgrade it with a stone.
Have only been able to get poor and common qualities, not even an uncommon, so far. Sulfur Wastes. Slabwings are also found where Karokta spawns.
Edit: I FINALLY got an uncommon after spending several hours killing Slabwings every day.