Adrenal Glands
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Used By:

Sanctum Feature: The Ember Court (tier 3)
Zone: Revendreth
Covenant: Venthyr
Drop: Tribute Chest
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown
Sanctum Feature: Queen's Conservatory (tier 2)
Zone: Ardenweald
Covenant: Night Fae
Drop: Queen's Conservatory Cache (Prideful Spirit)
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown
Sanctum Feature: Path of Ascension (tier 1)
Zone: Bastion
Covenant: Kyrian
Vendor: Zeleskos
Requires Achievement: Itsy Bitsy Fighters
Sanctum Feature: Abomination Factory (tier 1)
Zone: Maldraxxus
Covenant: Necrolord
Vendor: Atticus
Faction: Stitchmasters - Honored

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