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6 abilities total. Also browse abilities by family.

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1-6 of 6
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Aged Yolk
Aged Yolk
2 Round Cooldown

Removes all buffs and debuffs from the user.

Consume Magic
Consume Magic
4 Round Cooldown

Restores 394 health and removes all buffs and debuffs from the user.

4 Round Cooldown

Removes all buffs and debuffs from the enemy.

2 Round Cooldown

Removes all buffs and debuffs from the user.

High Fiber
High Fiber
4 Round Cooldown

Removes all buffs and debuffs from the user's team.

Sear Magic
Sear Magic
2 Round Cooldown

Removes all buffs and debuffs from the user.

1-6 of 6
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