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Re: Real life pets!

Posted: April 1st, 2012, 1:53 pm
by Maleika
Absoltely beautiful! That last pic is breathtaking!
Candycat wrote:Zeb and Fabios actual names were Isabella Favory the first and Isabella Favory the second on paper, as Lipizzans are named after the dam's first name and the Sires bloodline.
With the mini's we usually always name the foal after the Sire. Very rarely do they ever get named after the Dam, except in rare occations when the Dam is well known for her show record. Thats a good way of keeping the Dam's name alive though! I like it!
Our baby still has no name. Her Sire is "Quicksilvers Que Pasa". Quicksilver is the farm name. We abriviate our farm name down to RMS (for Rainbow Miniatures). So the current possible name for baby is RMS Que Pasa Primavera. Mom wants to keep the spanish theme and since baby was born on the first day of Spring....and primavera is the spanish word for was an obvious choice. I think it sounds like a pasta sauce! Still no barn name for her though. I want to call her Mazda. lol because she zoom zooms! She uses the back yard as her own personal race track.

Last years baby has the same Dam & Sire and ended up with the registered name RMS Que Pasa Lucita, barn name Lucy. She's the all white, blue eyed with the black face in the pictures.

Re: Real life pets!

Posted: April 15th, 2012, 3:16 am
by Nursie
Big fan of cats :)

got a special bond with him, we look after each other when we are sick lol.

My poor little kitty who passed away last year, she was born on my birthday (the only present i got that year) I miss her a lot.

she bullies the below cat a lot!

Our adopted cat, basically lives in my room in her own little hideout.

Kiki and Yoda:


I only named one of our cats and that was Xena.

Also, a pic i took of a tiger at the Queensland Zoo:

Re: Real life pets!

Posted: April 16th, 2012, 2:14 am
by Rmd83
I used to have a farm! Well, ok not really but i've had several pets over the years, lots of iguanas, box turtles, savanah lizard (we called savvy) he was pretty much like a cat and would chase me and my bro around the house and beg for food like a doggy lol. I sorta want a spider or scorpion but meh too much work goes into them =\

Re: Real life pets!

Posted: April 20th, 2012, 10:29 pm
by Kaiyou
I have several pets :D. I can't figure out how to post pictures though, so I'll just list them......

Lucas- White german shepherd/husky mix. He was a rescue :)

Max- Ocherese(Peek-a-poo/maltese mix). He thinks he's a big dog, but he's the size of a cat.

Giovanni- Orange tabby. He's my adorable fat cat ^-^.

Chip- White cat. He's kind of mean, but getting more mellow in his old age XD.

Kirby- Black and white cat. She's really sweet, but kind of timid.

Link- Orange tabby. He was a stray that showed up at our house. We feed him, so he decided to stay.

Trouble- Black cat. She was my little girl. She passed away last year during spring break. Even Gio and Chip were upset when she passed =(.

Cutie- Yellow and green parakeet. She passed away over 8 years ago. She would say tweet tweet instead of actually chirping ;).

Re: Real life pets!

Posted: June 18th, 2012, 5:33 pm
by Brizie
I loves my pets! Baby Carlos is a 3 yr old Pomeranian/Shih Tzu mix.


Re: Real life pets!

Posted: June 26th, 2012, 1:51 pm
by Jessy27
You can't consider a cat a pet " dogs have masters cats have servants" :lol:

Re: Real life pets!

Posted: July 2nd, 2012, 6:02 pm
by Misswitch
I currently have 5 pets: 3 cats and 2 rats (I don't have any pictures of the rats because they won't sit still and blur the pictures, but their names are Luna and Sol).

This is Gypsy; she's a little 5 year old bobtail.

And here's Circles. Her real name is Camo but she never answers to it. She's 2 years old. She loves to groom my fiance, lol.

Last but certainly not least is Lilith, our basement cat. She's 3 years old and she has shaky back legs. Because of her legs she was overlooked and spent her whole life at the shelter until recently. Our veterinarian has no idea what it is or how she got it. She is very active and happy since she left the shelter.

All 3 were adopted from our local animal shelter.

Oh, every one posting horse pics reminded me of someone I missed. I work at a private horse farm that rescues horses and I'm currently training one of them so he seems like mine. He arrived about a week after I started working there and so he was assigned as my project to train.

His name is Scout and he's a 3 year old Suffolk Punch. We rescued him from abuse and neglect at someone's house. He was kept in a small dirt pasture so when he first arrived he didn't even know what grass was or that he could eat it. His hooves had never been trimmed, he was severely underweight and malnourished and he'd never been handled except to geld him, so we had to halter break him too. He's still small but he's put on so much weight since he's arrived at the farm (I wish I had the pics of the first day we got him.)He's an amazing horse. He's so smart and picks up on new queues instantly. He's my buddy and follows me around like a dog. His favorite activity is playing "soccer" with me in the round pen. He sleeps a bunch and when he's sleeping in the field I go and lie with him for a bit in between chores. Here is a picture of him sleeping.


For those not familiar with the breed the Suffolk Punch is a massive horse. This is what he should look like when he's fully mature.
Scouty is a bit stunted at the moment because he was so malnourished but he should catch up. :)

Re: Real life pets!

Posted: November 7th, 2012, 12:57 pm
by Pigeon
It's interesting to see how many people are probably really into vanity pet collecting because they're so into animals irl. And some very beautiful animals I might add from looking at this thread.

Here is Spud, my Hedgehog:


Lucy, my Sun Conure (technically the family's Sun Conure)...she barks like a dog:


My ferrets (from left to right, Master Chief, Locke, Butters, and Charlie...Master Chief passed away three weeks ago :( ):


My cats (Kitten is Nicodemus, rescued from my backyard, the one he's laying against is Captain Jack Sparrow the friendliest cat in the world, and the one with the white paws is Lily):


Edit: Not sure why my resize didn't work, you'll have to follow the links for now.

Re: Real life pets!

Posted: December 31st, 2012, 1:21 pm
by Thralla
Not sure why I've never stopped by the off topic forum until quite recently, but it has been fun to look at everyone's pets - great photos, too!

My real life menagerie consists of

The Gentlemen:
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Alecks, the Walter Matthau of the family otherwise known as The GOM (Grumpy Old Man).
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Elvis, The Rockstar: So named because HE thinks he is the King.
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The Boys:
Brothers Blue, the quintessential, heart-warming Black Lab mix, and Bear, the "I don't know what the numbers 6 and 4 mean to you but I really AM a lap dog" dog.
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Re: Real life pets!

Posted: January 14th, 2013, 6:09 pm
by Saviya
Ooh, I love showing off my kitties!

Psycho, 10 1/2

Havoc, 9

Loki, 7 1/2

Vidi, 6

Nicky, 6

Odie, 4

Simon, 4

Ruby, 2

Re: Real life pets!

Posted: January 22nd, 2013, 10:18 am
by Gorja
I will have to get the pictures up here later, they are on a laptop that is in the process of being a pain in the butt and not wanting to stay on even plugged in >.<

over the years ive had a ton of different pets, from reptiles to furry things and feathery things =)

in CA we had 3 cats one of which got pregnant so we ended up with like 5 cats in total
Nikki, Clemson, and Brittney who led to Gregory and Sasha

I started out the reptiles with two little iguanas, grumpy and dopey =) and that led to me taking in Mr. Lizard when a friend had to rehome him, and then Mrs. Lizard was left on my doorstep one morning.

I have had many red tail boas and ball pythons. but we sadly had to rehome them when we moved from CA to NC we just didnt have the resources to travel that far with them and keep them alive and happy. we are looking into maybe getting a boa now that we are settled in SC now, miltary makes for lots of moves, but we want to make sure our 2 kids are well educated on them before we bring one into the home

I have a lesser sulfur crested cocaktoo that we got in CA from a family that i believe tormented him to no end because he was not so nice when we got him but he now lets adults scratch his head and he will take treats from the hand and actually not flee to the far side of his cage when someone comes up to it, he will even let a few people hold him now =) his name is Chico, and he is sure to tell you that all the time.

I have 2 dogs. Pepper, pit bull/wolf, she is gorgeous and the sweetest dog i know, she absolutely loves my kids like they are her own, i feel sorry for anyone who ever does them wrong.
and last but not least, Goldie, german shepherd, she is out newest addition and we picked her up at a shepherd rescue and she started out not listening to anyone but my 4 yr old son, that was a fun few months lol.

i will work on getting pics up here of all my cute and cuddlies

Re: Real life pets!

Posted: January 23rd, 2013, 1:47 pm
by Pandorra
My Girl, Zurri, she is 12 years old,
I've had her since she was 8 weeks old and could fit in one hand, lol.


Re: Real life pets!

Posted: January 23rd, 2013, 10:05 pm
by Kaiina
Your pets are all adorable!
Let me share pictures of mine! : )

Kitty, she was 11 and died in september.

Trixy, she was 8 and died in may.

Rosie, my new little baby! She's 5 months old!

PS: I don't know if the pictures are going to work... o_O

EDIT:Yeah they're not working let me correct that! XD

Re: Real life pets!

Posted: January 24th, 2013, 12:54 pm
by Vermonter
These are my babies Woody (left) and Rumus (Right)

We call this picture "Woodland Critter Christmas"

Rougibear - Madoran
Vermonter - Llane


Re: Real life pets!

Posted: March 5th, 2013, 12:47 am
by Ferry5
I love pets.

Re: Real life pets!

Posted: March 12th, 2013, 9:03 am
by Aingealwroth
I dont have the ability to post outside links yet, (shakes fist) but my mother's puppy/my dog is Jojo, a Pom-Shizu. He's a mostly black (with streak of white on his chest) little ball of fluffiness. And he knows how to POSE if you ever see any pictures, you'll see, I think he was a model in another life.

Also, he is uber tiny. About 7 lbs total.

He almost IS a battle pet! :lol: :roll:

Re: Real life pets!

Posted: March 25th, 2013, 8:31 pm
by Guest
hey atm i just got 2 pets, Clive the tripod rabbit and Jack the dumb lop...
and the file is too big so i will post some pics when i find more :P

was really happy to see all the pics you guys have, glad im not the only pet nut :P My bearded collie cross was PTS a few years back, miss him terribley, but he was 19. he had a good life. Also My parents currently look after my corn snake Ozzy, hes 11 now. Most of my in game pets that are names are named after RL pets, am I the only one that does this?

Re: Real life pets!

Posted: July 16th, 2013, 9:57 am
by Fantee
We have a female cat called Nuvem (Cloud) and a blue parakeet called Kalecgos, and i'm about to buy a gerbil.

I'll try to post some photos today :lol: