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Sunlight and Idol teams

Posted: August 9th, 2018, 5:24 am
by Rosqo
Luckily I'm British so can super as polite as possible about these but it hasn't taken long for these teams to essentially limit the meta back into a tiny of fraction of pets. Sunlight, Darkness and Triple multiple pet teams.

Its like the meteor hitting the earth killing all the 'best pets and leaving what is left. Whats so wrong with that the best pets are gonna it should be all fine.

But much like her on earth the PVP meta pets evolved to take those places as the dominant pets. This was something discussed at some length by some of the more informed players. There needed a secondary nerf to totally remove the strongest pets.

It would be nice to also see some of the less used abilities comeback, banana barrage, nimbus, hawk eye, accuracy, vengance and moth dust make a come back the list could go on.

Re: Sunlight and Idol teams

Posted: August 9th, 2018, 7:18 am
by Tekulve2018
I returned to WoW after a near 3 year absence (I played from just before MoP through to the end of WoD)
Thus, I played through the beginnings of pet pvp.

Back then, the Idol was truly OP and it got nerfed. To me, the idol is fine atm. Also, I feel like Darkness is fine. You only see
it appear as a counter to heal teams. Not to mention that 1 Fragment of anger will cream fliers to the ground.

The only action I might suggest is a minor tweak to nerf healing a little. This might be hard to do though since sunlight, moonlight and the aquatics' rain all offer a heal bonus.

Trust me when I say the game is pretty balanced.. I posted today about the slithershock elver as an answer to hurt elemental pets...there are plenty of options to beat any team you meet in the queue.

Based on the 700 or so games I played since returning this year, I'm just happy to see more than just undead in pet pvp
(like it was at the end of WoD (just valks, ghastly kids and Graves back then)

Re: Sunlight and Idol teams

Posted: August 9th, 2018, 8:14 am
by Rosqo
You mid understand the importance of sandstorm being up to soo many team. Darkness is still as strong as it was. Healing comps are broken.

I do like the elver though play it like a rabbit with Shimmering and yula and upi’ll be ok unless you meet a sandstorm or darkness team that is

Re: Sunlight and Idol teams

Posted: August 9th, 2018, 12:13 pm
by Tekulve2018
I don't misunderstand.
In over 700 battles this year, I only faced 1 other opponent with a sandstorm pet....that player used a quiraji guardling
(the s/s is great btw) and that was just once. The idol is it is prone to getting owned quickly.

Sure, Anub Idol is a pet that I do see and it is good.
But I don't see it much more often than the rest of the top 15 or 20 pets.
It is not all that much better than other weather pets like the jademist dancer.

I agree that healing pets need a small tuning..what do you suggest?

Re: Sunlight and Idol teams

Posted: August 10th, 2018, 3:04 am
by Rosqo
Idols and Sandstorm teams will become a common sight. Weather change, reduces multi hits, barrages and stops stampedes. You’re right they are the second best Sandstorm pet but they are much easier to obtain and are much more prevalent in pve strategies. Plus your 357 artic hare doesn’t need its speed vs an idol.

Have you played much in the ‘new’ meta btw? I’m talking about the post bfa prepatch.

Re: Sunlight and Idol teams

Posted: August 10th, 2018, 3:18 am
by Tekulve2018
This week, I played about 50 matches. There was a big increase in healing comps.

They won't make massive any tweaks can't impact too many pet families.
My suggestion is to nerf the amount of healing that sunlight +photosynthesis give...or add a pet ability
that limits all healing (besides darkness).

Re: Sunlight and Idol teams

Posted: August 10th, 2018, 5:35 pm
by Drudatz
Tekulve2018 wrote:My suggestion is to nerf the amount of healing that sunlight +photosynthesis give...or add a pet ability
that limits all healing (besides darkness).
like [ability]Darkflame[/ability] ? :D

Re: Sunlight and Idol teams

Posted: August 10th, 2018, 7:38 pm
by Tekulve2018
The issue with Darkflame atm is that only 6 pets have it and 4/6 of them have a better choice in that slot
such as darkness, stun and early adv.

Darkflame is strong vs mech. Son of Animus is a good mech heal pet but there are not a ton of them.
They could consider making Darkflame str. vs ele, humanoid or water....but someone savy would have to do the math-maybe 25% heal effect reduction for 2 rds after?

I think heal teams in pet pvp are hated partly because the matches can go on forever.. but some kind of nerf might help.