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Did Wod introduce any new chain gang teams ?

Posted: April 3rd, 2015, 12:05 pm
by Moriat
First of all I have to admit that I was beyond excited about that evolution feature until I actually found a minute to read the article / figured out that it's an April Fools' Day joke.

Now anyway I was wondering if Wod introduced any new chain gang pvp pets / teams ?

I really enjoyed pvping with my triple crow team back in MoP. (It's still a great team)

Edit: Explanation of what a chain gang team is from wowpetbattle
Chaingang style teams are a particular favorite of mine. Its so easy when one of your team goes down, and in comes an exact replica of that team member and instead of using a round to re-up an effect, you can just strat off with it immediately. The Crows and ravens are particularly great with this because of the short cd on nocturnal strike AND thier passive allows them to go first ( as thier speed is buffed while over 50% health). Another great chain gang style team is three Harbingers of Flame. This team has alot of the ideal components. 1. They go first against 85% of teams out there. Sometimes this works against you however, as the opt can reverse your weather effect, so be careful as your faster. Alot of the time, I will start off with just an alphastrike because the opt is EXPECTING me to stat with darkness). From here its just keeping your nocturnal strike on cd, and spaming alpha strike. Remember, elementals ignore weather effects, so when facing them, alpha strike and cd on darkness is key. Sometimes you can get nocturnal to connect, but other then that this team is solid.
Chain Gang Team Lineups: Team A: Crow, Crow, Crow. - Team B:Harbinger of Flame, Harbinger of Flame, Harbinger of Flame. - Team C: Pygmy Direhorn, Pygmy Direhorn, Pygmy Direhorn. - Team D: Spineclaw Crab, Spineclaw Crab, Spineclaw Crab. - Team E: Fel Flame, Fel Flame, Fel Flame.

Re: Did Wod introduce any new chain gang teams ?

Posted: April 3rd, 2015, 4:38 pm
by Topaz
I thought you cant get any worse than 3 Weebominations. But than blizzard tought it would be nice to give Spiritfire Beam to a pet, with an undead racial, and in case you have a pet that Soulrush and Spiritfire Beam are weak against blizzard tought it would be nice to have another attack that is strong against you.
so 3 Fragment of Anger is the new 3 DAH/3 MPD.

Re: Did Wod introduce any new chain gang teams ?

Posted: April 3rd, 2015, 8:22 pm
by Moriat
Topaz wrote:I thought you cant get any worse than 3 Weebominations. But than blizzard tought it would be nice to give Spiritfire Beam to a pet, with an undead racial, and in case you have a pet that Soulrush and Spiritfire Beam are weak against blizzard tought it would be nice to have another attack that is strong against you.
so 3 Fragment of Anger is the new 3 DAH/3 MPD.
That is indeed a quite unfair ability setup. The combination of [ability]spiritfire beam[/ability], [ability]soulrush[/ability], [ability]seethe [/ability]and the undead racial is deadly,annoying and covers the whole pet type spectrum. (2 abilities that hit hard but are weak against mechanical pets + an ability that is strong against mechanical pets)

I always thought that the pet was mediocre because for some reason I was assuming that [ability]spiritfire beam[/ability] and [ability]soulrush[/ability] share an ability slot resulting in the pet having a 4 round cd ability and two 3 round cd abilities but no 0 or 1 round cd abilities.

Re: Did Wod introduce any new chain gang teams ?

Posted: April 3rd, 2015, 11:40 pm
by Tekulve2012
I was running into triple fragments and even more interesting..fragment of anger/spirit crab and bone serpent (using bone barrage)

Your game has to be well played, but a 2 foxlings and a fjord worg pup wins those matchups for me..I used 2x crouch and 1xhowl
The leopard tree frog with a heal and frog kiss does OK and Willy performs well too but the all out blitz of foxes is better

If its Weebom team, Sandstorm takes care of business plus 2 x fox or 2 Anub if you have them
I faced triple nexus whelp yesterday a couple of times...2x bonkers plus an ore eater really nukes them

Willy that uses Rot can hurt triple Anubisath idol I threw mrwiggles and sister of temptation in for the win

Its fun beating these people/'bots maybe'... that spam mindless pet pvp

A triple crow team would get mowed down in a puff of feathers by 2xStonegrinder and a third like Anub idol...I have only faced this team a couple of times...similar to triple MpD..I have only faced it a couple of times

Triple DaH I never see anymore..presumably Murkalot/blackfuse took care of that...I know I made a lot of snake skins toss into the air with that approach