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Did I get a bargain?

Posted: June 11th, 2013, 1:09 pm
by J_whiskey
I just got a Chrominius off the AH for 250g. Auctioneer listed it as 12% the normal price but that can be skewed if someone puts up the item at an inflated price.

I'm happy since it'll be a bit before I can farm for it myself. To make things even better I got a Porcupette right after that from a daily pet bag. :D

Re: Did I get a bargain?

Posted: June 11th, 2013, 1:31 pm
by Saasan
Yup that's a bargain. Depends on your server a bit for much of a bargain, but that's still cheaper than I've seen it elsewhere. Congrats on your pets. :)

Re: Did I get a bargain?

Posted: June 11th, 2013, 1:57 pm
by Maizing
The prices for all the RWL1 pets have dropped significantly. I have seen them listed for 250 gold and less lately.

Even the RWL2 pets have seen a drastic price drop (from around 6k-7k gold to 1k-2k... some for even less).

Re: Did I get a bargain?

Posted: June 11th, 2013, 2:15 pm
by Mehetabel
That is a pretty good price. Those pets usually go for about 500-700g on my server.

Re: Did I get a bargain?

Posted: June 11th, 2013, 2:38 pm
by Velgana
I would say you most definitely did. They still sell for a fair amount on my server too. Congrats!

Re: Did I get a bargain?

Posted: June 12th, 2013, 5:54 am
by Cat666
Yes you did.

I've been unlucky with BWL and only had 1/3 drop. I refuse to pay more than 500g for these pets as they are essentially farmable so it's a case of how much do I value my time! I got the Untamed Hatchling for 450g on my server and thought that was a bargain, I've only seen Chrominius once and it was 5k.

The BWL pets are worth more than the others (excluding the one from the twin emps) as fewer people are doing it. Razergore is tricky which gates the entire instance, the red dragon requires a lot of DPS in a short time frame (as well as an almost 100% death) and Chrominius either requires the ability to cleanse, or a decent amount of DPS on a boss who takes reduced damage. It's just not worth the effort for most players.

Re: Did I get a bargain?

Posted: June 12th, 2013, 9:24 am
by Opallena
Most of those pets i see below 700g on my server except for the Naxx pets, idol, and chrominius; so yea, you got a bargain on it. whenever it's listed on my realm its atleast 1k (probably due to the annoyance that is BWL)