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Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 3rd, 2015, 12:50 am
by NathKnave
Big thanks to Rivaled, I really appreciate the opportunity provided to get this pet.

I got it last night after a few hours of grinding. I made a worgen rogue and using the Renowned Guild Tabard I got to revered by turning in the quest to Greymane in Darnassus to finish the starting area. I didn't feel too much like messing around with the auction house, so I vendored the Renowned Guild Tabard I was wearing and then bought and sent four more from my main.

Each one was purchased for 250 gold by my main and they Bind to Account. I sent them all to my toon on Dragonblight and they vendor for 62 gold 50 silver. Five tabards to vendor for a total of 312.5 gold for the pet. All told a total of about 3 hours and 1250 gold from my main for this pet. And many, many thanks to Rivaled!

Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 4th, 2015, 8:45 am
by Jzbelle
More thanks to Rivaled here. I created a Human toon and within moments of creating her was grinding Rivaled rep. With the Human racial, the Renowned Tabard and DM Faire in town, I had my little Hatchling within a couple of hours.

It was so kind of Rivaled to allow us pet collectors to invade their happy Guild. Thanks again!

Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 7th, 2015, 4:52 pm
by Madcat2k
is this guild still doing this? my toon's name Maddymus-Dragonblight, thank you!!

Update: just got it, thank you so much n.n!!!!!

Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 8th, 2015, 6:26 pm
by Rhapture
I have created a character in hopes of also getting an invite. Same name as on here. I will send a battletag request too. Thank you for offering this to us pet addicted folks <3 :D

Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 9th, 2015, 2:54 am
by Junkie1612
Added to RealID today and was invited in seconds. Thank you so much!

Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 9th, 2015, 8:10 am
by Vivienne
Thanks for the invite to <Rivaled>, Shoecup! You've got a great guild there. Good group of people made me feel welcome and made the process enjoyable!

Just got my [pet]Deathwatch Hatchling[/pet] today!

Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 10th, 2015, 12:17 am
by Rhapture
When I logged in this morning I saw that Shoecup had accepted my friend request and was online. They sent me an invite right away and a few hours later I had my hatchling. Thanks so very much for offering this opportunity, you and your guild are awesome peeps!

Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 10th, 2015, 2:45 am
by Mairwen
Hi! I sent a RealID request tonight. This is very sweet of you and your guild; I will definitely be making a donation! :)

Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 10th, 2015, 5:13 am
by Gendou
I've also sent a RealID request. This is very kind of you to offer. Thank you!

Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 13th, 2015, 3:08 am
by Oceanaia
Hiya Shoecup :D

I transferred one of my lowbie alts to your server. My Character's name is Oceanaia, and my Btag is Oceanaia#1971. I sent you out a Btag request. Thank you in advance for doing this :D

Update: Got my pet in a few hours. I deposited all the gold I had left over from leveling. Thank you again for the invite!

Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 18th, 2015, 5:42 am
by Peppercat
Thanks so much Shoecup! I got the pet last night after a little questing in Gilneas. I appreciate you opening your guild up to us pet collectors. Thank you.


Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 18th, 2015, 11:08 am
by Sound
Hi there! I'm interested in joining your guild for a bit to try this. I just sent you a request (I'm Sound#1785) in case you're confused about who I am. :)

Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 19th, 2015, 6:00 pm
by Witbier
Hi there Shoecup - Not sure if you're still taking stragglers for the pet, but I was wondering if I could get a temp guild invite? I sent you a btag friend request - I'm Tumble. Thanks!

Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 20th, 2015, 12:28 am
by Elena
Hi Shoecup!

I am hoping I could get a temp invite to your guild to get this pet. I'm Shiane on Dragonblight.

btag <removed>


Thanks Shoecup!

Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 21st, 2015, 11:36 am
by Slizzie
Just created a toon on Dragonblight, Sharli. Sending a realid request from Ferrettoy#1772

Tons of thanks in advance

Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 23rd, 2015, 4:55 pm
by Krotonbug
Thanks for this.

Just created Bellanohr on Dragonblight and sent you a friend request from Jawn#1269.

Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 26th, 2015, 7:31 am
by Evallix
hi, hoping that you guys are still accepting people to join the guild for the pet!

Created Arys on Dragonblight and sent a request!

Thanks in advance!

Edit: That was a fast response! Thanks once again!

Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 29th, 2015, 3:32 pm
by Angryyankee
I added your Btag, mine is AngryYankee #1829

Edit: Joined the guild and bought it this morning. Thanks for the invite Rivaled.

Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 31st, 2015, 1:52 pm
by Axarien
Sent you a friend request on Bnet if this offer is still open. Arcana1682. Axarien, worgen warrior on your server. Thanks!

EDIT: All done, thanks Rivaled!

Re: (US) Alliance - Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: August 31st, 2015, 4:37 pm
by Carlymage
I an so excited, I hope you are still accepting pet collectors! :o Just sent you a request from Carly#1137. Eeek!