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Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 24th, 2013, 1:54 pm
by Grarn
Yes this happened to me too. I've always saved all my bags till the end of the dailies, it makes it easier to keep track of the days haul. And I've never saved bags for days, I just open them after the last trainer.

I've already had an appeal turned down and Blizzard's communication is very frustrating because it's all so vague. Knowing this is the probable cause makes is a start but I'm still very upset.The shoddiness of Blizzard's investigation has really soured me on them.

Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 24th, 2013, 1:56 pm
by Gip
Mumper has made another tweet.
We are proactively reviewing any account that received suspensions for opening multiple loot bags and will overturn as unnecessary.

Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 24th, 2013, 4:05 pm
by Roarey
According to mumper..they are reviewing cases of loot bag suspensions and that it should apply automatically, no eta on the resolution. Anyone guess if it will be before the 72 wears off? My money is on this point I just want my account to show no violation, even if it is removed as an offense after the ban expires. Feels awful to be tainted :(

Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 24th, 2013, 4:42 pm
by Bensolomon
Same thing happend to me. I thought it was because of spamming a /tar macro for the Val'kyr as they never said what I did. I did a ticket to get it reviewed and they came back with a generic message again. Not it at least makes a small amount of sense. If any of you get a resolution please post it here so that the rest of us can get this resolved as well.
Ahinia - earthen ring.

Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 24th, 2013, 6:05 pm
by Anasa
You guys might be interested in this: ... uping.html

I'm sorry that you got banned (I hope I didn't also... We'll see when I get home, but I don't think I've opened more than 1 or 2 at a time), I hope they straighten out your accounts soon.

Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 24th, 2013, 6:18 pm
by Mantrhax
With this kind of people working for blizzard isnt a surprise the 1.3 million lost subscribers. i think the next loss will be like 2 million.

Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 24th, 2013, 8:26 pm
by Azrile
They didn´t really lose 1.3M subscribers. Probably 1M of them were chinese players who jumped over to a very good new F2P game that launched there, made by a chinese company and supported by a lot of celebrities. Blizzards revenues beat expectations, which means the subscribers they lost were very low paying ones (ie china internet cafe users).

I am sorry for the bans you all got. For once, my own lack of preparedness paid off for me. I completely forgot about the stone dropping from elemental pet bags, so didn´t bother saving any.

Just to play devil´s advocate... and not calling anyone a cheater.. but what do you think if Blizzard´s opinion is that saving so many bags IS, in fact, abusing mechanisms?

Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 24th, 2013, 9:38 pm
by Balazaar
No way. You earn every bag you fought for while those abusing the game were getting loot they never earned.

Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 24th, 2013, 10:31 pm
by Gravec
I was banned as well for 3 days. Wracked my brain trying to figure out why. I sent in an initial appeal asking them to please tell me what offense I had done, and they came back simply telling me that they reviewed and would not reverse. It was a day of total aggravation wondering what I had done to cause it. Then I heard tonight that this was the cause, so I appealed again. Waiting to see the result.

Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 24th, 2013, 10:41 pm
by Risk
they lifted my ban! the review process must've worked :)

Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 24th, 2013, 11:47 pm
by Yellowlab
They just responded to my appeal. They said they would not lift it in a generic copy paste format.

Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 25th, 2013, 1:46 am
by Tempestnight
I have also been hit with the bann hammer for this reason. I've sent an appeal and had it rejected how ever having found these posts and that it is apparently being investigated i have again sent an appeal in the hopes of it being investigated more thoughly. Has anyone been successful in their appeals? id very much like to hear if you have

Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 25th, 2013, 3:05 am
by Roarey
Azrile wrote: Just to play devil´s advocate... and not calling anyone a cheater.. but what do you think if Blizzard´s opinion is that saving so many bags IS, in fact, abusing mechanisms?

So by this rationale...It is our fault they did not impose a cooldown, or a unique(must only carry one), or even an expiry time on our loot bags..If it is in some way exploitative to open more than 1 bag at any given time, well I think that Blizzard should make that clear. We all have different ways of playing. I collect all Panda bags so that I remember how many have been completed for the day, and to get my rng pain done with in one hit. Never in all the months leading up to this mass ban, has this ever been indicated as an unsavory exploit. These bags were earned as reward with no conditions applied, is not the same as earning one bag..and clicking it to receive multiple rewards. The people posting here are not the hacks that used one bag to act as many, they are people that earned their bags.

Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 25th, 2013, 6:58 am
by Avalee
I wonder if this is also done with other bag items. I occasionally use Potion of Treasurefinding and sometimes get close to 30 chests in an hour and only start opening them when my bags are full.
I have to be careful with that I suppose.

Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 25th, 2013, 7:01 am
by Balazaar
Don't worry. Those chests were not able to be exploited so you can't be guilty of that.

I'm still waiting on my appeal ... by tomorrow it won't matter.. :)

Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 25th, 2013, 8:35 am
by Roarey
Balazaar wrote:
I'm still waiting on my appeal ... by tomorrow it won't matter.. :)
I disagree that it won't matter, they owe an apology at the very least and a clean record.

Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 25th, 2013, 8:41 am
by NathKnave
I found my account suspended Wednesday night as well. The email I received stated "Intentional Exploitation, Abuse of game mechanics. At the time I had no idea at all what it could have pertained to. I submitted a ticket using the site and got a response the next day saying it had been done in error and any actions taken against me had been reversed.

I too saved up some of the pet supply bags. I ran through all the dailies on Monday and figured I would save them until Tuesday to open and hopefully benefit from the streak protection. I'm now guessing that's what prompted the action against my account. It's confusing why the decision against me was reversed when it appears that quite a few others have had their suspensions stick. I can only guess it has to do with the number of bags I had saved, only a days worth.

The other thing that really stood out to me was the severity of the punishment. A 72 hour suspension is pretty far up the "Punishment Volcano," followed only by a final warning and account closure. According to Blizzard's own Exploitation Policy (, abuse of game mechanics can result in a temporary suspension, but only after subsequent related offenses following a verbal warning.

To anyone appealing a suspension, I would certainly bring up the harshness of the penalty for a first time offense. Try to remain polite, even though the urge to send off some angry words is high, I'm doubtful that would have a positive effect. Good luck, and I hope everything gets taken care of.

Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 25th, 2013, 10:51 am
by Quidamtyra
I also got a 3 day suspension for opening 15 or so bags... 15... when the people exploiting it were opening many MANY more. my appeal was turned down as well with a vague and useless description. I sure hope they lift these bans and apologize to the people who have done nothing wrong.

Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 25th, 2013, 12:04 pm
by Drrum
Roarey wrote:So by this rationale...It is our fault they did not impose a cooldown, or a unique(must only carry one), or even an expiry time on our loot bags..If it is in some way exploitative to open more than 1 bag at any given time, well I think that Blizzard should make that clear. We all have different ways of playing. I collect all Panda bags so that I remember how many have been completed for the day, and to get my rng pain done with in one hit. Never in all the months leading up to this mass ban, has this ever been indicated as an unsavory exploit. These bags were earned as reward with no conditions applied, is not the same as earning one bag..and clicking it to receive multiple rewards. The people posting here are not the hacks that used one bag to act as many, they are people that earned their bags.
One of the better posts on this subject.

Luckily, I didn't save up my bags to open later. I certainly would have if I didn't already struggle with inventory issues. Personally, I don't see saving packs to open after a patch change as any more of an exploit than saving currency to spend on patch-upgraded ilvl items. I also doubt Blizzard considers this an exploit. If they do, it's certainly not clear enough in ToS to warrant a 3day without recourse. My feeling is the staff that are handling the appeals were made aware of the actual bug exploit since it was hotfixed, but likely unaware that people were legitimately saving up packs to open after patching. Those handling the appeals don't really have any way of seeing if duping has or hasn't occurred. But now that Blizzard knows there were bans given and upheld to innocent people, I'm hoping they do the right thing and make it up to those caught in the crossfire.

Re: Did anyone else get banned?

Posted: May 25th, 2013, 12:14 pm
by Hava
I was also banned, and I appealed twice before mumper's tweet. The first two they rejected the appeal to stand by their original findings. After mumper's tweet this morning I reopened one ticket and they auto closed it with the same response. So I opened a brand new ticket. I have also appealed to mumper on twitter and friends have done the same for me as well. No lift yet. :(