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WTT Blackfuse Bombling p/p lvl 25. [closed/updated]

Posted: December 13th, 2013, 5:14 pm
by Mushalor
edit2: got a deal I couldn't pass up on the golem, but sadly not for a mount like I hoped. Still searching for my roommate's last christmas gift! This time I'm trying with an offer of an extra blackfuse. Hopefully that's in the realm of a JC panther or the crimson deathcharger. I can also add in a few extra pets or a little bit of gold on Stormrage, A-US or Wyrmrest Accord, H-US, depending on how much "extra" will suffice vs what I can spare/what's available.

edit: as pointed out, the sky golem requires lvl 80, and it's on one of my home servers, Wyrmrest Accord, US. I'd be willing to help with leveling up/running through dungeons to 80 if that's wanted, or try to work out some other sort of extra compensation for the inconvenience of a higher lvl requirement.

My roommate's been working steadily this past month on the 200 mount achievement. Previously, I've been spending my energy and funds/trades on a big stash of pets on the Christmas surprise I have planned for both my roommate and my partner, but I think getting my roommate their very last mounts for the count would be an awesome final touch.

Currently, the count stands at 197198. Holiday sale windsteed will put it at 198199, and I know their tourney dailies will net mount 199 this week.

My problem lies in trying to secure mount 200.

We already made a sky golem last month for them, so that won't help the count. Windsteed's no surprise at all since the holiday abruptly dashed my plans of buying windsteed and batmount. I had to tell them about the windsteed to avoid them buying it too, woops.

My hope is to net a swap of sky golem for some similar mount, value-wise.

They're missing several of the panthers, as well as the crimson deathcharger's reins, so I'd go for one of those, I think? (I'm not sure what other mounts are low enough in value to work.)

Re: WTT Sky Golem for mount of similar value.

Posted: December 13th, 2013, 5:38 pm
by Navi
I can make the panthers, but unfortunately already learned the Golem. If your Golem trade doesn't pan out, feel free to hit up my WTT thread. I'd do one for a month of time, or for a couple MoP raid pets, something along those lines.

If you do get a Golem trade, quick warning is that it requires someone leveling to 80 on your realm to learn it. The Golem and Vial of Sands are both like that. The JC panthers luckily can be learned by a DK still in starter area. :-)

Btw very cool of you too help your roommate out with his achieve! Nice Christmas gift.

Re: WTT Sky Golem for mount of similar value.

Posted: December 13th, 2013, 5:57 pm
by Mushalor
Oh, man, I completely forgot about the fact it requires lvl 80. :( that would explain why I had trouble trying to trade the last one. No doubt there aren't a lot of people who want to go through the effort to go all the way to 80 on a strange server. Thanks for the reminder, I'll edit in that caveat to my top post.

As far as panthers, I don't currently have any extra raid pets, nor the free cash for a month of game time, or I'd snap that up. (What little spare RL funds when next thursday's payday rolls around is being funneled into the windsteed, basically.) However, I'll keep you in mind--maybe I'll luck out with extra raid pets between then and now. :)

(Also, I'm glad you think so! Hopefully they will like these gifts, too. I can't do a lot of RL gifting due to a lot of other complications so I'm stuck trying to be creative.)

Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling p/p lvl 25.

Posted: December 16th, 2013, 11:46 am
by Mushalor
Nudging this back up after some shakeup of my meager inventory.

@Navi I actually have a spare raid pet (blackfuse) and I'd love to try and work out a deal if you're still interested!

Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling p/p lvl 25.

Posted: December 17th, 2013, 1:28 pm
by Mushalor
Putting this here for navi's benefit and in case anyone else sees this thread from a search later or something while I'm absent from the forums, to prevent any misleading assumptions I'm still able to do this trade. As much as I really wanted to get ahold of a mount for my roommate's present, due to a recent hospital visit, I don't currently have time or energy to mess with trades after all.

Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling p/p lvl 25.

Posted: December 17th, 2013, 2:42 pm
by Luxxy
im assuming your roomate already has the love bird mount? if i happen to get my hands on one of the orbs i can def let you kno :)

Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling p/p lvl 25.

Posted: December 17th, 2013, 3:07 pm
by Ravnhawk
Mush if there's a store mount still needed. I'll send it as a gift. No trade needed. Just consider it a gift and do something some other time to help someone else out ok?

You can send me a site PM with the email address and I'll get to it tonight when I get home.

Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling p/p lvl 25.

Posted: December 17th, 2013, 6:59 pm
by Mushalor
@Luxxy Yes, they do! I would've tried for that one first, but we made sure to do the holiday so that was out.

@Ravnhawk Oh, gosh, yes; my roomate's still two mounts away and the windsteed was one I intended to purchase to push that to 199, and since payday is thursday I was waiting til then to do so, but I'm pretty sure I won't be able to do that now. Gotta save our spare cash for the ER bill that's coming in, which is why I turned down a few trades I was originally going to do with a few fine folk on here in regards to the store sale (if I recall, someone wanted a brew pup, so I really hope they get their trade sorted out before that goes away). Honestly, I would be thrilled to bits for the help to get this done in time and I'll definitely pass the favour on.

Thanks both of you for your kindness, it means a lot to me right now.

Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling p/p lvl 25.

Posted: December 17th, 2013, 8:27 pm
by Ravnhawk
OK about to head into a raid if you can send me the email I'll get that done tonight - Windsteed it is - nvm got it

Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling p/p lvl 25.

Posted: December 17th, 2013, 10:14 pm
by Rhaellia
Hello Mushalor, I was wondering if you still need help with this?

I don't have that much to offer but maybe I can help go in on a mount for your friend. I to am stockpiling gifts for my friends and am way ahead of schedule, have been for about a month, heh. Would gladly help out if I can, please let me know :)

Hope you're alright, ER visits usually aren't good :(


Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling p/p lvl 25.

Posted: December 18th, 2013, 1:59 am
by Mushalor
Hello Rhaellia!

I'm still needing to figure out how to get mount 200, yes. I'm really touched at the offers of help from you guys, it's one of the nicest things I've experienced in a while and a great reminder of why I like this website so much--everyone's so friendly.

I don't know what to suggest as far as help, but if you can keep an ear open for anyone searching for pets in exchange for one of the smaller-valued mounts, that would be a start!

Also thank you for the good wishes! I'm feeling functional (which for me is about as good as it gets) at least, and you're right, ER visits are pretty awful, but this one wasn't too terrible compared to past ones I've experienced.

They couldn't find my veins this time around which is funny to me now but really unpleasant at the time. It took two paramedics puzzling over an ultrasound machine and sticking me like a pincushion, then an RN finally getting an IV line in when they gave up. Apparently my veins continue to be super stingy with giving out blood on top of being... I think it's called rolling veins?

The CT scan wasn't too bad at least; the room was painted like an aquarium. I love fish! (The technician was really friendly, also.)

Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling p/p lvl 25.

Posted: December 18th, 2013, 8:37 am
by Rhaellia
Well you better not die on us!

Someone's gonna have to give your friend their gifts and it won't be any of us. That's your job! :)

Now, would be nice to know what mounts they're missing, and I will start looking around. I got a Pierre/Rascal-Bot and a Pygmy Direhorn that I can maybe throw at someone's face! :O

I'm on the job, take care and feel better!

Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling p/p lvl 25.

Posted: December 18th, 2013, 12:15 pm
by Navi
Sorry Mushalor, I completely missed your responses to me in this thread. :-P

The blackfuse is probably about 1/2 of a panther, but with all the Christmas giving going around, I think I am gonna make that trade so that your friend gets his mount, Rhae gets his (her?) store mount, and I'll just keep an ear to the ground for another P/P Helper. :-D

Merry Christmas. Navi#1566

EDIT: I skimmed and missed the part where you aren't available for trades right now. If you get this, PM me (I might not catch it if you respond in the thread) and we'll work it out.

Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling p/p lvl 25.

Posted: December 18th, 2013, 2:22 pm
by Ravnhawk
OK sent the mount to the email provided for your friend as a gift.

Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling p/p lvl 25.

Posted: December 18th, 2013, 4:52 pm
by Mushalor
@Rhaellia No worries I don't plan on doing that any time soon. :)

The stuff they're still missing can be found on the armory I think, here. (Edit: Their DK has the most mounts counted, iirc, since DKs are cheatery cheaters with a few extra "class" mounts compared to the other classes, but for some reason the armory only lists 197, not 198. In-game it's 198, at least.) The reason I've been struggling to come up with that last mount lies in the remainder being largely up to raiding, RNG, or TCG. I know they are currently working on the dailies at the tourney which would eventually technically take care of that last mount, but that'll be a while/well after christmas, and I want to beat them to that last one!

The thought I had was trying to trade for a panther (since they still are missing a few of those), or the crimson deathcharger (which I keep seeing on other servers in the same price/trade range, but never on our home server), since those were ones I could feasibly try and earn the pets/gold to get ahold of in time. (Anything else would take a lot of months of saving in order to not short change anyone, and my "bright" idea to get that last mount came only a few weeks ago, whoops.)

A pierre or rascal bot, plus a direhorn, plus my bombling, seems to be a good offer to give out, though! And it looks like Navi's interested in also helping. If you were interested in being a middleman for me, that'd be a big help, too! Thank you so much for everything so far, regardless.

@Navi Not a problem! My intention was to reply here and then hunt up your thread, but that got away from me as you can see! (Didn't want to clutter yours up, either.)

If you're willing to do a swap, I can ask my partner for help in the logging in process/trading, or I could hand over my bombling to Rhae to do the swap in my stead between the two of you (there's just not a guarantee with my wonky sleep schedule and lack of energy I'd be able to hit you both up at a decent time). I'll see if Rhae's willing to do that, and if not, I'll wrangle my partner into logging in. :3 Won't spoil the surprise if he knows, at least.

Either way, I'll get in contact with you as soon as I can manage. Thank you so much.

@Ravnhawk I will make sure they check their email! I feel like a record, but I mean it sincerely each time: thank you, I'm so touched and humbled.

All of this really lifts my spirits. I appreciate the patience with my replies (all of this I had to have help with typing out so it was slow going), as well.

Also, sorry for the confusion on gender! My roommate doesn't really use any gender, so I always respect that and refer to them by their name or with neutrality (they, them, their) since the spivak pronouns aren't to their tastes.

Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling p/p lvl 25.

Posted: December 18th, 2013, 5:11 pm
by Rhaellia
I would be honored to stand-in for this trade :)

Just let me know how i can help!

Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling p/p lvl 25.

Posted: December 18th, 2013, 5:28 pm
by Mushalor
@Rhaellia Perfect! What server/faction can I have my partner log onto to mail or meet up with you to hand over the bombling? (And then, I suppose, you could get in contact with Navi for me? Would that work?)

Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling p/p lvl 25.

Posted: December 18th, 2013, 9:21 pm
by Rhaellia
Mushalor wrote:@Rhaellia Perfect! What server/faction can I have my partner log onto to mail or meet up with you to hand over the bombling? (And then, I suppose, you could get in contact with Navi for me? Would that work?)
I suppose my realm in the orc area would be the easiest, less work for them. That way I can just be there, but I'm open to whatever works :)

I'm on quite often so just added me and we'll figured it out!

Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling p/p lvl 25.

Posted: December 19th, 2013, 3:19 pm
by Mushalor
Okay. Update!

- Roommate checked their email and learned the windsteed mount successfully. :D
- my partner rolled an orc on Aerie Peak, and mailed the blackfuse bombling to Rhaellia (on Rhaebread, I believe).

Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling p/p lvl 25.

Posted: December 19th, 2013, 3:30 pm
by Navi
Hope you don't mind, Rhae but I'm replying here instead of my thread (it's more relevant here, and you and Mushalor will both see it). I actually meant I'd trade a panther for just the bombling, as my way of pitching in on the gift-giving, so there's no real need for a go-between (unless you were also throwing in pets, Rhae, which I won't turn my nose up at but I'm not requiring for the panther).

That said, the panther will have to be learned on my realm (by a DK to avoid leveling to learn it). Mushalor, I'm assuming you or your partner will want to leave a toon on my realm holding the mount to give your roommate on Christmas, so trading the mount directly to one of you for the bombling seems the most straightforward route. Btw, let me know if I'm making Ruby, Sapphire, Sunstone, or Jade. If there's no preference I'll make sapphire since I have extra blue gems.

EDIT: Lol, I think we were tying at the same time Mushalor. Just post here to let me know what I'm doing and I'll keep an eye on your thread.